SAVE THE DATE: June 9, 2011
The new HPD Commissioner Matthew Wambua will be our guest speaker. Invitations will go out next week. Please note that this meeting replaces our regular May luncheon.
#6 Oil was officially put on death row yesterday with adoption of new rules by the City Department of Environmental Protection. Requests to renew Certificates of Operation for boilers burning 6 oil will have to include a compliance agreement for switching to 4, 2 or natural gas. The City wants to eliminate 6 oil by 2015 and 4 oil by 2030 at the latest. The full rule is here.
If you were wondering if building operating costs were going up, the Rent Guidelines Board reported a 2011 Price Index of Operating Costs increase of 6.1%. Fuel was up 23.1% and taxes up 3.5%, but taxes remain the largest operating cost for stabilized housing, on average.
ABO board members will be receiving notice of our annual meeting May 25th. We hope you can attend.