Newsletter: April 22, 2011

 SAVE THE DATE: June 9, 2011

The new HPD Commissioner Matthew Wambua will be our guest speaker. Invitations will go out next week. Please note that this meeting replaces our regular May luncheon.

#6 Oil was officially put on death row yesterday with adoption of new rules by the City Department of Environmental Protection. Requests to renew Certificates of Operation for boilers burning 6 oil will have to include a compliance agreement for switching to 4, 2 or natural gas. The City wants to eliminate 6 oil by 2015 and 4 oil by 2030 at the latest. The full rule is here.

If you were wondering if building operating costs were going up, the Rent Guidelines Board reported a 2011 Price Index of Operating Costs increase of 6.1%.  Fuel was up 23.1% and taxes up 3.5%, but taxes remain the largest operating cost for stabilized housing, on average.

ABO board members will be receiving notice of our annual meeting May 25th. We hope you can attend.

Happy Passover and Easter.

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