J-51 was officially renewed and extended, Monday, with benefits for converting commercial buildings to unsubsidized rentals eliminated. Unsubsidized co-ops valued at more than $30,000 per unitĀ are no longer eligible either.
I hope you like Hunter Green. That is the new required color for all construction fences, according to requirements adopted this week. A split rail fence also has the benefit of not blocking any of the natural beauty of the land. The mayor signed legislation that also calls for Plexiglas viewing windows every 25 feet and detailed new signage specifications for fences and sheds. The signs have to have a Pantone 296 (blue) background and include a sketch or rendering of how the work being done will look when finished. Call your artist.
If you run across any Mayoral candidates this summer, you may want to give them a link to this Real DealĀ blog explaining how renters in New York City are hurt by property taxes too. Or just show them this chart showing the taxes on apartment buildings in New York are more than double the average for major metro areas.
Who says they are not making any more land? Expect the rush to rival the opening of the Cherokee Strip when .nyc urls go on sale later this year. Start planning your building and business website names now.
Yes, you can enjoy the heat at the ABO Summer Celebration from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, July 18th at the Water Club. Reserve now or call 212 385-4949 for information.