A Three Legged Stool…Really

Congratulations to ABO member Mike Fazio who was honored with the Three Legged Stool award at the New York State Builder’s Association annual meeting this month for his efforts with ABO, NYSBA and NAHB. The winner gets an actual stool. Mike represents us on state and national boards and committees.

Trying to forecast electricity prices? Mike Stoller, program manager for the ABO Energy Marketplace offers this perspective: Natural Gas is the predominant fuel that drives electricity prices, and after a precipitous drop we saw a 10 year low in April of 2012, where the price of NG stood at about $2.20.  As of Dec 20th, 2012, the price of NG sits at $3.45, a rise of about 50%.  With that being said, we are still at exceptional levels in terms of locking in fixed pricing.  NG was above $13 as recently as 2008, and was above $5.60 at the end of 2009, so clearly the risk to the upside greatly outweighs the risk to the downside. Follow the link above or call Mike Stoller at 917-273-4430 for more information.

More savings are available on Verizon Wireless services (for contractors only), Staples, Airgas and other companies through our affiliation with National Purchasing Partners. Give yourself a belated Christmas present with big discounts at  www.mynpp.com.

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