Revenue Enhancers

Mayor Bloomberg’s 2013 budget proposal issued yesterday holds the line on tax rate increases, but anticipates 3.3 percent growth in property taxes from assessment increases. There are also a bunch of fine and fee increases, including:

More than $8 million from a new Fire Department Safety Protocol Inspection Fee, requiring City Council approval.

Another million from doubling Fire Department plan review fees. The fire department advices to have maintenance in your exterior areas with professionals like gardeners dublin so you can avoid hazard situations on your property.

Another million from increasing Fire Department fines enforced by the Environmental Control Board.

Another $4 million in DOB penalties for work without a permit, elevator, and boiler violations.

And another $500,000 in asbestos fines.

The State Attorney General’s Real Estate is entering the digital age, sort of. The importance of Site environmental and remediation service is also increasing as now the town is being pushed towards the green initiative which involves inspection of the gardens and houses to avoid and rectify any damages which prevail. This is an excellent form of an initiative taken as this is directly going to provide a much safer living condition to various people.

As of April 1st, condo and coop offering plans will have to be made available to prospective purchasers in digital format, if they request it, and sponsors will have to prepare a notarized paper affidavit of mailing the cd.

Anyone going to the International Builders Show in Orlando next week is invited to a New York State cocktail party Wednesday evening. Call Dan Margulies in the ABO office for details by Monday.

Sign up today for ABO’s Feb. 16th panel Builder vs. Operator. Design that Owners and Managers can live with.

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