Do you smell that?

Well, that stinks. At least if you live in Koreatown or Greenwood Heights. Not so great in Vinegar Hill or St. Albans either. Brickunderground had someone crunch the odor complaints from 311 calls to find the smelliest neighborhoods where no odor elimination projects have worked to-date. The good news is that if you are renting apartments on Roosevelt Island or in Starret City you can brag about how sweet it is.

Another data project identifies the counties where you might want to advertise to attract renters and buyers. The Census Bureau now lets you select a county on an interactive map to find out where people are moving to or from over different time periods. From 2008 to 2011, for example,  16,302 people moved from Manhattan to Brooklyn and 12,942 moved the other way. About 6,000 more Brooklynites moved to Queens, however, than the other way around. Nationally, as one would expect, more people from New York went to Florida and California counties than anywhere else, but almost as many moved here from Los Angeles as went there, while only about half as many moved from Miami as migrated to it.

Is a stabilized lease an asset in bankruptcy? That is the issue before the New York State Court of Appeals where politicians and tenant leaders are protesting that a bankruptcy trustee sold a landlord the succession rights to a tenant’s lease (the tenant gets to stay for life with no rent increase). A federal appeals court punted the decision to New York courts to decide, among other things, if a rent stabilized lease is “local public assistance benefit” exempt from the bankruptcy estate.

September is time to get your free tickets to the NAHB International Builders Show January 20-22nd in Las Vegas. More than 1,000 exhibitors will be on hand. Early registrants get free tickets, free tickets for a spouse, and discounted conference fees.

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