New Energy Code, Lost Housing Opportunities

The City Council, yesterday, gave final approval to a new Energy Code, which will be effective October 3rd.

The U.S. Senate last night approved H.R. 3700, the Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act, already approved by the House, which makes several changes to the Section 8 program supported by the housing industry. Voucher tenants will be able to move immediately into apartments that have been inspected within the past two years, without waiting for a new inspection. Voucher holders in areas where Fair Market Rents are reduced will be continued at current subsidy levels while they remain in the unit–which could be critical in New York if HUD moves to zip code level FMRs as proposed. And project based funding contracts can be for 20 years instead of 15, in order to conform to Low Income Housing Tax Credit terms.

It wasn’t that good a week for affordable housing in New York City, however, as Alma Realty announced it would suspend construction of 1700 units at Astoria Cove because of the expiration of the 421a program. The Durst organization had previously suspended a neighboring project for the same reason.

On the process of moving, as Sky Van Lines reports mentioned hiring full-service movers will save you time. With them, you don’t have to take a break at work or spend your precious weekend packing. More so, the speed at which you’ll transport those materials will not be as fast as if it were to be done by a professional full-service mover. You may also want to hire reliable sydney removalists with the right  knowledge, skill, and equipment to help you efficiently move to your new place.

And City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer appears to be blocking 209 affordable units proposed to replace 230 parking spaces in Sunnyside, for the usual NIMBY reasons.

Maybe there are more opportunities underground. The de Blasio administration gave the first of what will need to be a series of approvals to developers of the “Lowline,” an underground park planned for an old trolley terminal underneath Delancey Street. The plan is simular to one that developers used to increase property value for condos surrounding the best bars in minneapolis, which are in a semi underground plaza. If all goes as planned the developers claim the attraction will add $10-20 million to neighboring property values, but presumably not for the views.

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