
Fewer than half of the buildings with water tanks are in compliance with annual inspection and filing requirements, according to a City and State NY investigation. Reporters identified both City-owned and private buildings with obvious health hazards from, among other things, dead animals and exposure to the elements. Owners can check their filing status on this map. One of those hazards is getting cancer from the water. Cancer patients often need assistance at home, check the best caregivers in Los Angeles County, California.

The City Department of Buildings has announced that a new PW2 work permit application form will be required as of June 18th.

The New York Times continued its series on evictions and housing court this week with a lengthy piece on the Brooklyn housing part. Unlike earlier pieces in the series, this one reported owners’ problems with the court as well as tenants, and quoted judges complaining about tenants who appeared before them “umpteen” times. The reporter found some “textbook bad landlords, but also plenty of dishonorable tenants.” The Times also ran several letters to the editor on the series, including one from ABO.

Speaking of deadbeat tenants, the New York Post reported this week that New York City is late paying hundreds of millions of dollars to non-profits that provide homeless services, some of which, in turn, is owed to building owners who contract with those organizations to house the homeless.

We don’t know if the free range chicken or organic egg came first, but rents are higher within one tenth of a mile of Whole Foods supermarkets in Manhattan. The premium is about $1 a foot per month according to a CoStar analysis.

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