The Really Worst Landlord

New York City will have to spend $1.2 billion more than planned to fix public housing over the next five years, under a settlement reached with the U.S. Attorney’s office this week. The U.S. Attorney found, among other problems, that the New York City Housing Authority: “undermined HUD’s inspections by disguising the true condition of its properties. This deception included turning off water to developments to prevent HUD inspectors from observing leaks; posting “danger” signs to keep inspectors away from troubled areas; and temporarily hiding improperly stored hazardous materials. NYCHA management even included a document with suggestions for deceiving inspectors in NYCHA’s official training materials. This cover-up “how-to” guide was only removed in Summer 2017, after this Office called its existence to the attention of NYCHA’s outside lawyers.”

The City Budget for fiscal 2019, beginning July 1, 2018, was adopted by the City Council, Thursday, anticipating a $1.7 billion increase in property tax collections from 2018. Property taxes have risen more than 37% since 2013, not including this new hike.

Rent Guidelines Board hearings in the Bronx and Brooklyn began this week with little fanfare. The main lower Manhattan hearing begins at 4 p.m. Tuesdayat the Great Hall at Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street.

Housing Court Judge Susan Avery has been booted from the bench for “lack of judicial temperament.”

One year after the 421a benefit was replaced with the Affordable New York plan, only four buildings have been awarded tax breaks.

With the State Legislature likely to adjourn next week, the New York State Builders Association and New York State Association for Affordable Housing are sounding the alarm about possible last minute action on a bill that would impose prevailing wage requirements statewide on any project receiving any level of government assistance or tax breaks. The bill passed the Assembly and has a Republican sponsor in the State Senate.

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